37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
I was going to the Cloaker voicelines section of the wiki and then I realized that I couldn't download the Cloaker voicelines because of how it is set up, can anyone tell me some alternate websites I can get the voicelines or a possible way I can download those?
50 Votes in Poll
Overkill didn't just add a goddamn Shield with a laser cannon into the new heist, now did they?
Can someone tell me some stealth tips because i'm bad as hell at stealth
The FBI Maximum Force Responder is said to be the 2nd most powerful non-special police unit so what is the first?
96 Votes in Poll
The most funny out-of-context soundboard fillers ive ever heard.
"the safeword is 'police brutality'"-cloaker
"Im here! and i brought drugs!"-medic
"now go to the forums and cry like the little B**** you are!"-cloaker
"Why aren't we moving!? God dangit someone tell command we need to move!"-SWAT
They more funni than amogus
168 Votes in Poll
91 Votes in Poll
I need better weapons, please let me know. I have all weapons DLC except for Federal Weapons.
Ye, I want to know how much damage does enemies melee attack do?