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Akimbo Micro Uzi
Unlock Level N/A (always available)
Inventory Slot Primary
Weapon Type Akimbo
Submachine Gun
Firing Mode(s) Selective firing AutoIcon / SemiIcon
Cost $585,200
Magazine 64
Total Ammo 256
Rate of Fire 1,200
Damage 44 x2
Accuracy 28
Stability 76
Akimbo Penalty
Concealment 29
Threat 10
Extra Weapon Statistics
Ammo Pickup Rate Min Max
Base pickup 2.56 8.96
Walk-in Closet 3.46 12.1
Fully Loaded Aced 4.48 15.68
Damage Per Mag Total
Damage total 2,816 11,264
Damage/second 1,760 297.99
Internal name x_baka
Mod stats

The Akimbo Micro Uzi submachine guns are a primary weapon available in PAYDAY 2 that was added in Update #178.


Micro Uzi submachine guns can be dual-wielded in the primary weapon slot for their greatly increased damage output at the cost of precise aiming, stability and the opportunity cost of being unable to use other primaries.

All akimbo weapon modifications cost 40% extra than their normal price.



  • Very Good Concealability
  • Extremely High rate-of-fire
  • Excellent crowd control abilities if recoil can be managed
  • Large ammo pool and high ammo pickup
  • Unique Suppressors that increase stability (requires Yakuza character pack DLC, even if this weapon is not locked by DLC)
  • Is not locked by DLC, unlike it's standalone counterpart


  • Agonizingly high recoil
  • Very inaccurate
  • High rate-of-fire burns through ammo reserves quickly
    • Can be remedied with Fully Loaded, Akimbo, and the Hitman perk deck.
  • One trigger pull fires both guns, potentially leading to ammo wastage


  • As with all akimbo weapons, the Akimbo Micro Uzi has a blurry zoom instead of iron sights. Laser sights are essential.
  • Long bursts of fire is not recommended, unless if there is a large crowd of enemies.
  • Unless if the Taser is located quickly, this is one of the worst weapons to have out when being tased, as it's ludicrously high fire rate and unstable recoil can deplete ammo reserves very quickly. Switch to a secondary weapon if needed.

Available modifications[]

Custom Barrel

Yakuza Character Pack
Custom Barrel (Micro Uzi)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Micro Uzi • Akimbo Micro Uzi

Custom Barrel

  • Despite obviously possessing compensator cuts on the front end, the Custom Barrel strangely does not improve the Micro Uzi's Stability, nor does it impair the weapon's Accuracy like it should.

Internal name wpn_fps_smg_baka_b_comp

Low Profile Suppressor

Base game
Low Profile Suppressor
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -5
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -20
Cost: $29,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_small

Medium Suppressor

Base game
Medium Suppressor
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -3
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -20
Cost: $19,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_medium

The Bigger The Better Suppressor

Base game
The Bigger The Better
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -1
Accuracy +8 Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -20
Cost: $50,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_large

Stubby Compensator

Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +1
Accuracy - Stability +12
Concealment - Threat +1
Cost: $29,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_stubby

The Tank Compensator

Base game
The Tank
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy - Stability +8
Concealment -1 Threat +2
Cost: $39,200
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_tank

Fire Breather Nozzle

Base game
Fire Breather
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +3
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat +14
Cost: $50,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Fire Breather Nozzle

  • The Fire Breather Nozzle is based on the Noveske KX3 "Flaming Pig" flash suppressor, which features an engraved image much like the Fire Breather.
  • Looking down the muzzle of a gun upgraded with Fire Breather Nozzle will often show the gun's original muzzle clipping through Fire Breather's model.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_firepig

Tactical Compensator

Gage Mod Courier
Tactical Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +1
Accuracy +12 Stability -4
Concealment -2 Threat -
15 Red Spider Red Spider Packages
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Tactical Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_surefire

Competitor's Compensator

Gage Mod Courier
Competitor's Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability +12
Concealment -2 Threat +1
5 Green Mantis Green Mantis Packages
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Competitor's Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_jprifles

Funnel of Fun Nozzle

Gage Mod Courier
Funnel of Fun Nozzel
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +4
Accuracy -8 Stability -
Concealment -2 Threat +10
10 Yellow Bull Yellow Bull Packages
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Funnel of Fun Nozzle

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_linear

Ported Compensator

The Butcher Mod Pack 2
Ported Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability -8
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Ported Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_battle

Futomaki Suppressor

Yakuza Character Pack
Futomaki Suppressor (Micro Uzi)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +20
Concealment -4 Threat -20
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Micro Uzi • Akimbo Micro Uzi

Futomaki Suppressor

  • The Futomaki (太巻, lit. "thick, large or fat rolls") is named after the sushi roll style of the same name. Futomaki rolls are long and big, which fits the Suppressor's description as the biggest and longest of the three unique Barrel Extension mods for the Micro Uzi.

Internal name wpn_fps_smg_baka_b_longsupp

Maki Suppressor

Yakuza Character Pack
Maki Suppressor (Micro Uzi)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -2
Accuracy - Stability +8
Concealment -2 Threat -20
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Micro Uzi • Akimbo Micro Uzi

Maki Suppressor

  • The Maki is named after the sushi roll style of the same name. Maki rolls are big but not very long, which fits the Suppressor's description as the median in terms of size of the three unique Barrel Extension mods for the Micro Uzi.

Internal name wpn_fps_smg_baka_b_midsupp

Spring Suppressor

Yakuza Character Pack
Spring Suppressor (Micro Uzi)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -4
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -20
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Micro Uzi • Akimbo Micro Uzi

Spring Suppressor

  • The Spring is named after the sushi roll style of the same name. Springrolls are generally smaller than the Futomaki or Maki, which fits the Suppressor's description as the smallest of the three unique Barrel Extension mods for the Micro Uzi.

Internal name wpn_fps_smg_baka_b_smallsupp


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment +1 Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_concealment_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_recoil_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_spread_p1

Team Boost

Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): +3% Experience & money reward for you and your crew.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_team_exp_money_p3

Single Fire

Gage Weapon Pack 01
Locked single
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -8
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $70,560
Bonus (5), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Locks firing mode of a weapon to single fire.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Internal name wpn_fps_upg_i_singlefire

Auto Fire

Gage Weapon Pack 01
Locked auto
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +1
Accuracy -4 Stability +8
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $121,520
Bonus (5), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Locks firing mode of a weapon to fully-automatic.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Auto Fire

  • The mod's icon is an AR-15 bolt carrier, or technically the one that the AMCAR and the CAR-4 would use.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_i_autofire

  • To activate gadgets on PC, press "Q".
  • To activate gadgets with a connected Controller, press down on the "D-pad".

Tactical Pistol Light

Base game
Tactical Pistol Light
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $19,600
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS


Tactical Pistol Light

  • The Tactical Pistol Light is based on the Streamlight TLR-1, as indicated by its string ID.
  • On Update #16, players who played during the Halloween Event and who were part of the Official Payday 2 Group on Steam, will be stuck with another exact copy of this that says "This is a Community Item!".
  • The Tactical Pistol Light used to be exclusively used by law enforcers on their Chimano 88 pistols and was unavailable to players. After Update #16, the mod was available to players.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_tlr1

Pocket Laser

Base game
Pocket Laser
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $50,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_laser

Micro Laser

Community item
Micro Laser
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $50,400
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS


Micro Laser

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_crimson

Combined Module

Community item
Combined Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $50,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight & Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS


Combined Module

  • The Combined Module is based on the SureFire X400V-A-IRc.
  • If combined with a Laser Grip (STRYK 18c, Gruber Kurz, Chimano Compact, Chimano 88, Chimano Custom), activation will cycle through the laser on the Laser Grip, the laser on the Combined Module, the light, and then off, in that order. This effect has no practical application but the STRYK 18c, Chimano 88, and Chimano Custom get improved stats from both attachments.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_x400v

Polymer Flashlight

The Butcher Mod Pack 2
Polymer Flashlight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $12,600
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS


Polymer Flashlight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_m3x

Medved R4 Laser Sight

Base game
Medved R4 Laser Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $40,320
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Chimano 88 • Crosskill • Bernetti 9 • White Streak • STRYK 18c • Deagle • Gruber Kurz • Signature .40 • Baby Deagle • Contractor • LEO • Broomstick • Matever .357 • Interceptor .45 • Chimano Custom • 5/7 AP • Chimano Compact

Bernetti 9 • Chimano 88 • Chimano Compact • Chimano Custom • Crosskill • Deagle • Interceptor 45 • Contractor
Cobra • Micro Uzi • Wasp-DS

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_pis_perst



  • The Micro Uzi was based on the eponymous ultra-shortened version of the regular Uzi.
  • The three unique suppressor mods for the Micro Uzi are named after various styles of sushi rolls relative to their sizes.
    • The Futomaki (太巻, lit. "thick, large or fat rolls") is the biggest and longest of the three.
    • The Maki, being essentially named after a short futomaki, is the median of the three.
    • The Spring is the shortest and smallest, being named after the diminutive springrolls.
  • The Micro Uzi is one of several weapons to retain its real name when implemented into the game, and one of the select few to have it incorporated verbatim.
  • The Micro Uzi was imported into the United States by the Philadelphia-based Crosskill Armament.
  • Reloading the Micro Uzi shows no bullets in the magazine when the charging handle is cocked.
  • The Micro Uzi gains an underbarrel mount when a gadget is installed.
  • Along with the Buzzsaw 42, Jacket's Piece, and Kross Vertex, the Micro Uzi's rate of fire is the third highest of any weapon in PAYDAY 2.
  • Internally the Micro Uzi is called "Baka", which means "idiot" in Japanese.
  • The Akimbo Micro Uzis may feel as if they are firing faster than the standalone weapon despite the unchanged rate-of-fire. This is due to the fact that the left-handed weapon will always fire immediately after the right-handed one, resulting in a more rapid, if not doubled, series of discharges.

