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Campbell 74

Campbell 74 icon

Campbell 74 FBI Files

Unlock Level 42
Inventory Slot Primary
Weapon Type Light Machine Gun
Firing Mode(s) Fully automatic AutoIcon
Cost $736,000
Magazine 150
Total Ammo 300
Rate of Fire 1,000
Damage 68
Accuracy 44
Stability 24
Concealment 9
Threat 34
Extra Weapon Statistics
Reload Time Tactical Empty
Base time 5.00s 6.00s
Lock N' Load 3.57s 4.29s
Ammo Pickup Rate Min Max
Base pickup 7.50 10.50
Walk-in Closet 10.13 14.18
Fully Loaded Aced 13.13 18.38
Damage Per Mag Total
Damage total 10,200 20,400
Damage/second 1,133.33 854.27
Damage Falloff Range Damage
Mid Range 0m-18m 68
Long Range 25+m 54.4
Bullet Spread Standing Crouching
Sights 2.69 1.08
Sights + moving 2.69 2.69
Hipfire 3.36 1.34
Hipfire + moving 3.36 3.36
Recoil Min Max
Recoil vertical -0.48 1.92
Recoil horizontal -2.40 3.36
Internal name kacchainsaw
Mod stats
Campbell 74 Underbarrel
Weapon Type Special
Magazine 100
Total Ammo 200
Rate of Fire 80
Damage 7 + Fire
Damage 7
Accuracy 0
Stability 0
Threat 37
Extra Weapon Statistics
Reload Time Tactical Empty
Base time 2.90s 2.90s
Lock N' Load 2.07s 2.07s
Ammo Pickup Rate Min Max
Base pickup 0.50 1.50
Walk-in Closet 0.68 2.03
Fully Loaded Aced 0.88 2.63
Damage Per Mag Total
Damage total 700 1,400
Damage/second 9.33 9.25
Fire Damage Fire Statistics
Flamethrower range 30m
Fire application chance 75%
Fire duration 1.6s
Damage per second 600
Recoil Min Max
Recoil vertical 0 0
Recoil horizontal 0 0
Internal name kacchainsaw_flamethrower
Mod stats
The Campbell 74 is a brutal LMG able to spit rounds down-range at incredible speeds, when the enemy is too close for comfort, merely swap to the underbarrel flamethrower and burn them toast.

The Campbell 74 is a LMG in PAYDAY 2, available to those who own the McShay Weapon Pack 4 DLC.


Despite being classified as an LMG, the Campbell handles more like the Vulcan Minigun and XL 5.56 Microgun, but trading raw rate of fire for greater damage per shot. It is also the only LMG that can take an underbarrel attachment in the form of a 200 total ammo flamethrower. This lets the Campbell counter Shields up close or stun crowds that cannot be immediately killed, and can be taken with the Káng Arms Model 54 for four versatile weapons. Its Exclusive Set is quite polarizing, receiving a bountiful amount of ammo at the cost of extremely low damage per shot, on par with the Bernetti Auto. Unlike the miniguns and most LMGs, it can potentially reach 100 accuracy and stability, similar to most assault rifles, if given heavy skill and mod investment.

The Campbell has multiple drawbacks to compensate. Its concealment is just barely low enough to qualify for dodge/crits, its swap speed is among the slowest of all weapons, and it has vicious recoil that make it quite difficult to use beyond close range. The underbarrel flamethrower is optional, but taking it also reduces the Campbell's ammo reserves and applies a noticeable accuracy/stability penalty on top of killing all concealment potential. Lastly, like all underbarrel weapons, it consumes Ammo bags twice as fast, considered as two separate weapons for refills. The 1,000 ROF is also shared on the flamethrower, causing it to waste its ammo unless used dilligently.

Overall, the Campbell can theoretically handle anything with two very different weapons at once, as long as the user watches the ammo carefully and can close the distance.


  • High rate of fire, good with the Muscle Perk Deck if left unsilenced
  • High pickup for an LMG, especially with the Exclusive Set which massively increases the already incredible pickup rate.
  • Can take an underbarrel flamethrower for two different weapons at once with a fast bullet<->fire swap
    • Underbarrel flamethrower reloads much faster than the primary or secondary flamethrowers
  • Can take an Exclusive Set to possess the greatest total ammo capacity of all LMGs
  • No full reload penalty/consistent reload times
  • Can reach 100 accuracy and stability with modifications and skills


  • No bipod/effective ADS option
  • Painfully lethargic swap speed
  • Suffers from dropoff unlike either minigun
  • Lowest base damage of all LMGs
    • Exclusive Set reduces damage to one of the lowest damage values of all weapons without any ROF compensation
  • Long reload time of six seconds
  • Poor base accuracy and stability and possesses chaotic recoil, made even worse combined with Exclusive Set.
  • Poor concealment and concealment potential
  • The underbarrel attachment is counted as a separate weapon, draining ammo bags twice as fast
    • The underbarrel flamethrower also shoots as fast as the LMG itself and has a pitiful 1 round pickup rate, making it more reliant on ammo bags despite consuming them faster
    • Equipping the underbarrel penalizes accuracy, stability, and total ammo


  • The Campbell can reach 100 accuracy and stability at the same time with the right skills and mods. This puts it ahead of the Akron HC LMG, which can only reach a maximum 100 accuracy and 96 stability at the same time. The Akron however has ADS capability, which can make it slightly easier to handle.
  • The maximum potential concealment is 13 via concealment boost, low profile/medium suppressor + Optical Illusions, and the Lugosi Barrel. The Exclusive Set also brings it to the same concealment value. Equipping the underbarrel flamethrower incurs a penalty of -5 concealment.
    • It is strongly recommended to make light taps with the flamethrower instead of holding down the button, as almost all of the damage solely comes from the afterburn, and extended hosing will dry up the flamethrower's ammo pool in only a few seconds.
    • Fortunately, the swap to and from the LMG/flamethrower is instantaneous, benefiting from fast fingers and reflexes if dealing with crowds of enemies on short notice.
  • The Campbell shines with Lock N' Load Basic and Parkour Ace, being used like a submachine on steroids. It is also strongly recommended to take Body Expertise and Surefire with the Campbell.
  • The weapon ammo pickup rate is par or above par for an average LMG. But with the Offworld Exclusive Set and proper perks, the ammo pickup rate becomes ridiculous, averaging 45 to 75 per box, making it one of if not the highest round-per-box pickup in the game, overwhelmingly exceeding that of the Miniguns.
  • Taking the flamethrower reduces the LMG's ammo to 240 total rounds. Fully Loaded without the flamethrower grants 375 rounds for the LMG. Taking Fully Loaded with the flamethrower will restore it back to its default 300 round capacity.
    • With the Offworld Exclusive Set, the Campbell jumps up to 750 rounds; the default for either minigun. Taking the Offworld Exclusive Set, flamethrower, and Fully Loaded will yield 675 total rounds for the LMG.
    • The flamethrower also goes from 200 to 250 total ammo with Fully Loaded.
  • The slow swap speed can be alleviated with shotgun Overkill Ace and/or the Rogue Perk Deck. The Copycat Perk Deck can also be a viable substitute, capable of reloading the Campbell even when it is holstered. However, the Copycat reloading will only affect whatever setting the gun is on, similar to the Little Friend 7.62 or KETCHNOV Byk-1
    • The Campbell is also greatly improved from the 75% bonus damage, and can be an excellent choice with a shotgun like the GSPS 12G or The Judge, doubly so with AP Slugs to kill Shields out of range of the flamethrower.

Available modifications[]

Lugosi Barrel

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Karloff Barrel
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy -4 Stability -4
Concealment +2 Threat -
Cost: $14,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
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Compatible weapons
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Lugosi Barrel

  • Lugosi Barrel is named after Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian-American actor that is best remembered for portraying Count Dracula of 1931 horror classic Dracula.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_b_short

Karloff Barrel

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Lugosi Barrel
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability +8
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Karloff Barrel

  • Karloff Barrel is named after English actor Boris Karloff, best known for portraying Frankenstein of 1931 horror film.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_b_long

Medium Suppressor

Base game
Medium Suppressor
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -3
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -23
Cost: $14,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_medium

Low Profile Suppressor

Base game
Low Profile Suppressor
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -5
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -23
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_small

Stubby Compensator

Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +1
Accuracy - Stability +12
Concealment - Threat +3
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_stubby

The Tank Compensator

Base game
The Tank
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy - Stability +8
Concealment -1 Threat +6
Cost: $28,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_tank

Fire Breather Nozzle

Base game
Fire Breather
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +3
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat +14
Cost: $50,400
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Fire Breather Nozzle

  • The Fire Breather Nozzle is based on the Noveske KX3 "Flaming Pig" flash suppressor, which features an engraved image much like the Fire Breather.
  • Looking down the muzzle of a gun upgraded with Fire Breather Nozzle will often show the gun's original muzzle clipping through Fire Breather's model.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_firepig

The Bigger The Better Suppressor

Base game
The Bigger The Better
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -1
Accuracy +8 Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -23
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ns_ass_smg_large

Competitor's Compensator

Gage Mod Courier
Competitor's Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability +12
Concealment -2 Threat +3
5 Green Mantis Green Mantis Packages
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Competitor's Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_jprifles

Funnel of Fun Nozzle

Gage Mod Courier
Funnel of Fun Nozzel
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +4
Accuracy -8 Stability -
Concealment -2 Threat +20
10 Yellow Bull Yellow Bull Packages
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for Miyaka 10 Special SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Signature • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Funnel of Fun Nozzle

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_linear

Tactical Compensator

Gage Mod Courier
Tactical Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +1
Accuracy +12 Stability -4
Concealment -2 Threat -
15 Red Spider Red Spider Packages
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Tactical Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_surefire

Ported Compensator

The Butcher Mod Pack 2
Ported Compensator
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability -8
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Ported Compensator

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_ass_ns_battle

Rami Suppressor

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Rami Suppressor
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -20
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon.

More Info.

This mod is not available for CMP SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Rami Suppressor

  • Rami Suppressor is named after Sam Raimi for directing the Evil Dead (later Army of Darkness) movies.
  • The Rami Suppressor is based on KAC Knight's Armament Company M4/M16 Taupe QDSS-NT4 Sound Suppressor KM96062-2/, with either Black or Taupe color.
    • For some reason, this suppressor is meant for 5.56 NATO, depending on which model of (assault) rifles is, but it can also be used for the majority of submachine guns and all LMG's, despite being designed and specifically made for KAC ChainSAW and Stoner 96 and its LMG counterpart, which wouldn't fit with this specific item.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_ns_suppressor

Dourif Muzzle

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Dourif Muzzle
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage +2
Accuracy +4 Stability +8
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

 • This mod is not available for CMP SMG and its akimbo variant.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Miyaka 10 Special • Cobra • Micro Uzi • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Wasp-DS • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Dourif Muzzle

  • Dourif Muzzle is named after the actor Brad Dourif who voices Chucky of Child's Play horror movie franchise.
  • The Dourif Muzzle is based on KAC Knight's Armament Co. 7.62mm MAMS (Malti-Axis Muzzle Stability) Muzzle Brake 5/8-24 Thread.
    • For some reason, this muzzle is meant for 7.62 NATO, depending on which model of rifles that is within that caliber, but it can also be used for the majority of submachine guns and all LMGs, despite being designed and specifically made for KAC ChainSAW and Stoner 96 and its LMG counterpart (KAC LWAMG), which wouldn't fit with this specific item.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_ns_muzzle


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment +1 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_concealment_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_recoil_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_spread_p1

Team Boost

Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): +3% Experience & money reward for you and your crew.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_team_exp_money_p3

Offworld Exclusive Set

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Offworld Exclusive Set
Total Ammo +300 Magazine +80
Reload - Damage -40
Accuracy +4 Stability +4
Concealment +3 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

This mod is incompatible with all barrels, barrel extensions, extras and magazines except for the Infernal Flamethrower.

Compatible weapons
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Campbell 74
Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_conversionkit

Moseley Sling

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Moseley Sling
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +24 Stability +20
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Moseley Sling

  • The Moseley Sling is named after the actor Bill Moseley that played Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_sling

  • To activate Gadgets on PC, press "Q".
  • To activate Gadgets on Console, press down on the "D-pad".

Assault Light

Base game
Assault Light
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Assault Light

  • The Assault Light is based on the discontinued SureFire M961XM07 Millennium Universal Weapon Light.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_smg_sho_surefire

Tactical Laser Module

Base game
Tactical Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_smg_sho_peqbox

Compact Laser Module

Gage Mod Courier
Compact Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
15 Red Spider Red Spider Packages

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_laser

Military Laser Module

Gage Mod Courier
Military Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
20 Blue Eagle Blue Eagle Packages

Special Effect(s): Flashlight & Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_peq15

LED Combo

The Butcher Mod Pack 2
LED Combo
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +8
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight & Laser

More Info.

 • This mod is unavailable for Bernetti Rangehitter Sniper, Miyaka 10 Special SMG, Cobra SMG, Micro Uzi and their akimbo variants.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


LED Combo

  • The LED Combo is based on the Leapers, Inc. UTG LED Weapon light and Laser.
    • Although the main flashlight has a toggle switch, the laser sight component of the LED Combo is pressure-activated, meaning the laser will stay on as long as the pressure switch is depressed. This switch is not placed where it should be, however (on foregrips, magazine wells, etc...) and is instead ziptied to the main taclight, leaving no plausible mean for the user to toggle it without awkwardly moving their off hand off the weapon and gripping the attachment itself.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_utg

Stealth Laser Module

McShay Mod Pack
Stealth Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_dbal_laser

Perkins Soft Case

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Perkins Soft Case
Total Ammo - Magazine +50
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -8
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Perkins Soft Case

  • The Perkins Soft Case is named after Anthony Perkins who played Norman Bates in the original Psycho horror film of 1960.

Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_mag_b

Infernal Flamethrower

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Infernal Flamethrower
Total Ammo - Magazine +60
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy -12 Stability -8
Concealment -8 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Shoots and sets enemies on fire when switched to underbarrel mode.

More Info.

 • Quickly dries up if used excessively. Ammo economy is poor unless appropriately managed.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
 • Campbell 74
Internal name wpn_fps_lmg_kacchainsaw_flamethrower


This configuration of modifications allows the Campbell to reach both 100 accuracy and 100 stability at the same time.

  • Karloff barrel (+2 dmg, +2 acc, +8 stb, -1 con)
  • Stability Boost (+4 stb)
  • Moseley Sling (+24 acc, +20 stb, -1 con)
  • LED Combo (+8 stb, -2 con)
  • The Bigger the Better Suppressor (-1 dmg, +8 acc, +4 stb, -3 con, -25 thr)

Combined with the skills:


  • The Campbell 74 is based off the Knight's Armament Company ChainSAW.
    • While the ChainSAW never came with an underbarrel flamethrower, it was not uncommon for it to be seen with an underbarrel grenade launcher.

