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Payday Wiki
Ordnance Bag
Grenade Crate icon
Inventory Slot Equipment
Equipment Type Deployable Grenade Case
Amount 1 Bag
Capacity 4 uses
Internal name grenade_crate
The grenade deployable lets you refill grenades on the move, giving you flexibility over the pre-planning option at the cost of bringing the regular health or ammo.

The Ordnance Bag is a deployable in PAYDAY 2, released as part of the McShay Mod Pack. It will refill all charges of the player's equipped throwable if they have one equipped.


On starting the heist, the player will be given 1 Ordnance Bag deployable. Once the bag is placed, players can refill their throwables up to 4 times before the bag is used up. Unlike the Grenade Case asset, each charge of the Ordnance Bag will refill all of the player's throwables. Players can tell at a glance how many charges remain by looking at the front pockets of the bag.


  • A single charge of the Ordnance Bag will be used each time a player interacts with it, regardless of how many throwables were restored. Therefore, it is best to use a charge when you are completely out of throwables.
  • Despite the skill description, the Ordnance Bag is not halved in any way if it is brought as the second deployable via Jack Of All Trades. This makes it one of the better deployables with the skill, always having four pouches that restore max throwables, especially with Concussion Grenades or Viper Grenades.
  • The pouches face the user when deployed. Keep this in mind when setting it up while defending a certain area, so others can easily glance to see how many charges remain.
  • Perk Deck gadgets like the Leech Ampule and Stoic Hip Flask are completely unaffected by the Ordnance Bag, "wasting" the deployable regarding players using such Perk Decks. It never hurts asking the crew before a heist what Perk Decks/throwables will be brought to make the most of the Ordnance Bag. Snowballs cannot be replenished by the Ordnance Bag.

