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Payday Wiki
Platypus 70
Unlock Level 32
Inventory Slot Primary
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle
Firing Mode(s) Bolt action SemiIcon
Cost $725,000
Magazine 5
Total Ammo 30
Rate of Fire 60
Damage 480
Accuracy 92
Stability 12
Concealment 6
Threat 28
Extra Weapon Statistics
Reload Time Tactical Empty
Base time 3.35s 4.5s
Aggressive Reload Basic 2.91s 3.91s
Aggressive Reload Aced 1.56s 2.09s
Ammo Pickup Rate Min Max
Base pickup 0.7 1
Walk-in Closet 0.95 1.35
Fully Loaded Aced 1.23 1.75
Damage Per Mag Total
Damage total 2,400 14,400
Damage/second 480 309.68
Bullet Spread Standing Crouching
Sights 0.38 0.15
Sights + moving 0.38 0.38
Hipfire 0.48 0.19
Hipfire + moving 0.48 0.48
Recoil Min Max
Recoil vertical 8.1 12.96
Recoil horizontal -0.81 0.81
Internal name model70
Achievement(s) No Scope We Do It Live!
Mod stats
When looking for the cleanest, most beautiful line, every firearm excepting the sniper rifle feels clumsy and random. An instrument of precision in the hands is required if one is focused in the mind. Don't let the name fool you. The Platypus is precise.

The Platypus 70 sniper rifle is a primary weapon released for free alongside Bodhi in his eponymous character pack, to promote the Point Break DLC.


The Platypus 70 is statistically similar to the Nagant. However, it has more total ammo but cannot be modified for low concealment due to its limited mod pool.

With perk deck bonuses, this weapon is powerful enough to be capable of killing any unit besides Bulldozers, Captain Winters and SWAT Van Turrets with one headshot on any difficulty.

As a sniper rifle, damage ramps up at long range rather than falling off. Ramp up begins at 20 meters and damage increases linearly, up to 80% bonus damage at 30 meters.



  • Very high damage
    • Damage increases greatly at long range
  • Armor piercing
  • High accuracy
  • Iron Sights will remain aligned even while moving the aimpoint, allowing for 'passing' shots
  • Fast weapon holster speed, allowing you to quickly switch to your secondary weapon


  • Small magazine
  • Slow reloads
  • Very small modification pool
  • Low concealment
  • Low total ammo

In comparison to similar weapons:

  • Same damage
  • Same accuracy
  • Lower maximum stability
  • More concealability
  • Smaller magazine
  • Same size ammo pool
  • Unlocks 3 levels earlier
  • Costs less
  • Same rate of fire
  • Slower reloads
  • Same ammo pickup rate
  • Narrower selection of mods
  • Unique mods not locked behind achievements
  • Platypus 70 does not require DLC to use while the R93 does

  • Same damage
  • Same accuracy
  • Lower maximum stability
  • Less concealability
  • Same size magazine
  • Larger ammo pool
  • Unlocks 22 levels earlier
  • Costs less
  • Same rate of fire
  • Tactical reload faster than Nagant's reload, full reload slower than Nagant's reload
  • Same ammo pickup rate
  • Narrower selection of mods
  • No bayonet mods
  • Unique mods not locked behind achievements
  • Platypus 70 does not require DLC to use while the Nagant does

  • Same damage
  • Higher accuracy
  • Lower maximum stability
  • Much less concealability
  • Same size magazine
  • Same size ammo pool
  • Unlocks 2 levels later
  • Costs less
  • Same rate of fire
  • Slower reloads
  • Same ammo pickup rate
  • Same amount of unique modifications
  • Platypus 70 does not require DLC to use while the Desertfox does


  • The Platypus is hands down an "all-out" sniper rifle, only being suitable for live combat due to its abysmal Concealment.
  • It is recommended to aim for the head due to the enemies' health pools making them harder to kill with body shots.
  • As with any sniper rifle, an ammo bag is always helpful.
  • An automatic secondary weapon such as an SMG is useful for the Platypus (or any sniper rifle), allowing for more reliable close-range engagements, and providing a method to obtain more ammo drops for the rifle. It may be more effective to use the SMG as a primary weapon, and save the rifle's ammo for beefier special enemies and Shields.

Available modifications[]

Beak Suppressor

Base game
Beak Suppressor (Platypus 70)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -12
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -22
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Silences weapon

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Compatible weapons
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Beak Suppressor

  • Platypodes all have duckbill-shaped beaks where lips would be on common mammal, quite aptly analogous to how this attachment being the extension of the Platypus' barrel.

Internal name wpn_fps_snp_model70_ns_suppressor


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment +1 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_concealment_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_recoil_p1


Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_spread_p1

Team Boost

Base game
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): +3% Experience & money reward for you and your crew.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Every weapon ingame
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_team_exp_money_p3

Total Ammo

Base game
Total Ammo +2 Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
OVE9000 • Platypus 70 • MA-17 Flamethrower • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Repeater 1874 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Vulcan Minigun • Flamethrower Mk.1 • Plainsrider Bow • Light Crossbow • English Longbow • Heavy Crossbow • Pistol Crossbow • Hailstorm Mk 5 • Cash Blaster
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_bonus_total_ammo_p1

  • To activate Gadgets on PC, press "Q".
  • To activate Gadgets on Console, press down on the "D-pad".

Assault Light

Base game
Assault Light
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


Assault Light

  • The Assault Light is based on the discontinued SureFire M961XM07 Millennium Universal Weapon Light.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_smg_sho_surefire

Tactical Laser Module

Base game
Tactical Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_smg_sho_peqbox

Compact Laser Module

Gage Mod Courier
Compact Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
15 Red Spider Red Spider Packages

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_laser

Military Laser Module

Gage Mod Courier
Military Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
20 Blue Eagle Blue Eagle Packages

Special Effect(s): Flashlight & Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_peq15

LED Combo

The Butcher Mod Pack 2
LED Combo
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +8
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Flashlight & Laser

More Info.

 • This mod is unavailable for Bernetti Rangehitter Sniper, Miyaka 10 Special SMG, Cobra SMG, Micro Uzi and their akimbo variants.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Rodion 3B • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • AK Gen 21 Tactical • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • M60 • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov


LED Combo

  • The LED Combo is based on the Leapers, Inc. UTG LED Weapon light and Laser.
    • Although the main flashlight has a toggle switch, the laser sight component of the LED Combo is pressure-activated, meaning the laser will stay on as long as the pressure switch is depressed. This switch is not placed where it should be, however (on foregrips, magazine wells, etc...) and is instead ziptied to the main taclight, leaving no plausible mean for the user to toggle it without awkwardly moving their off hand off the weapon and gripping the attachment itself.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_ass_utg

Stealth Laser Module

McShay Mod Pack
Stealth Laser Module
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Special Effect(s): Laser

More Info.


Compatible weapons
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Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • Tempest-21 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • KETCHNOV Byk-1 • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • KS12 Urban • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Rodion 3B • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Mosconi 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • Claire 12G • Breaker 12G • Mosconi 12G Tactical • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Reinfeld 88 • Deimos • Steakout 12G • GSPS 12G • Street Sweeper • Argos III • Predator 12G • Joceline O/U 12G • The Judge
Akimbo Shotguns:
Goliath 12G • Brothers Grimm 12G • The Judge • VD-12

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Light Machine Gun:
Ksp 58 • RPK • KSP • Buzzsaw 42 • Brenner 21 • M60 • SG Versteckt 51D • Akron HC • Campbell 74

Compact 40mm • Arbiter • Basilisk 3V • XL 5.56 Microgun • Vulcan Minigun • Piglet

Sniper Rifles:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Compact-5 • Heather Submachine Guns • Krinkov

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_fl_dbal_laser

Angled Sight

Gage Sniper Pack
Angled Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $7,200
Triple Kill Triple Kill
More Info.

While aiming down sights with this gadget, the bullets will land directly on the tiny circle of the sight, not above it. In other words, obscure your target with the small circle to it. While hip firing, the sight lines up relatively close to target, allowing easy hip fire shots at close range. However, sniper rifles overall suffer from an extremely large hipfire cone of fire; aiming down sights is highly recommended. The Angled Sight can be installed along with another sniper scope, and does not replace the default sniper scope if installed without one.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Repeater 1874 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Angled Sight

  • The Angled Sight is based on the XTI Angle Mount Sight.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_45iron


Riktpunkt 45 degree Sight

Base game
Riktpunkt 45 degree Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

Requires a pre-installed sight mod to mount.
This mod is not available for Rodion 3B assault rifle, Piglet, Arbiter grenade launcher and all shotguns except Deimos.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Golden AK.762


Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal


Riktpunkt 45 Degree Sight

  • The Riktpunkt 45 Degree Sight is based on the Aimpoint Micro T-2 attached to a canted mount.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_45rds_v2

45 Degree Red Dot Sight

Gage Spec Ops Pack
45 Degree Red-dot Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Infinite Granted
More Info.

Requires a pre-installed sight mod to mount.
This mod is not available for Káng Arms X1 sniper rifle, KETCHNOV Byk-1, Rodion 3B assault rifle, Piglet, Arbiter grenade launcher and all shotguns except Deimos.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Golden AK.762


Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star


45 Degree Red Dot Sight

  • The 45 Degree Red Dot Sight has the word "Theia" engraved onto its lens frame.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_45rds

45 Degree Ironsights

Cartel Optics Mod Pack
45 Degree Ironsights
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -
Concealment +1 Threat -
Cost: $14,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

Requires a pre-installed sight mod to mount.
This mod is not available for Káng Arms X1 sniper rifle, KETCHNOV Byk-1, Rodion 3B assault rifle, Piglet, Arbiter grenade launcher and all shotguns except Deimos.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban • Golden AK.762


Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star


45 Degree Ironsights

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_45steel


Riktpunkt Magnifier Gadget

Base game
Riktpunkt Magnifier Gadget
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

Requires a pre-installed sight mod to mount.
The magnification level can be changed while aiming down the sights, and the aiming FOV will automatically adjust itself.
Not compatible with the Acough Optic, Military Red Dot, Milspec Scope, Combat Sight, Reconnaissance Sight, Theia Magnified Scope, Box Buddy Sight, the JP36's Original Sight, the Raven's Flip-up Sight or the GROM and Platypus 70's iron sights.
Currently bugged and not appearing as intended on certain weapons, for a list see here. They're still listed below even if broken.
Shows incompatibility with the Deagle's Marksman Sight, however they are allowed to be installed simultaneously.
This mod is not available for AK 7.62, its golden variant, KETCHNOV Byk-1, Valkyria, Rodion 3B assault rifle, some SMGs and some shotguns.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban

Reinfeld 880 • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Deimos • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Signature • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Piglet • Arbiter


Riktpunkt Magnifier Gadget

  • The Riktpunkt Magnifier Gadget is based on the Aimpoint 3XMag attached to a toggle mount. Despite this, the mod's asset file name suggests it was based on the EOTech XPS G33 instead.
    • The magnifier will toggle on and off by itself when in use without any visual input by the player character.
  • The JP36 carbines wielded by the GenSec Elites have this gadget installed in conjunction with a Compact Holosight, however it didn't become a player-usable item until 2017.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_xpsg33_magnifier

Signature Magnifier Gadget

Cartel Optics Mod Pack
Signature Magnifier Gadget
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $14,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.

Requires a pre-installed sight mod to mount.
The magnification level can be changed while aiming down the sights, and the aiming FOV will automatically adjust itself.
Not compatible with the Acough Optic, Military Red Dot, Milspec Scope, Combat Sight, Reconnaissance Sight, Theia Magnified Scope, Box Buddy Sight, the JP36's Original Sight, the Raven's Flip-up Sight or the GROM and Platypus 70's iron sights.
Currently bugged and not appearing as intended on certain weapons, for a list see here. They're still listed below even if broken.
Shows incompatibility with the Deagle's Marksman Sight, however they are allowed to be installed simultaneously.
This mod is not available for AK 7.62, its golden variant, KETCHNOV Byk-1, Valkyria, Rodion 3B assault rifle, some SMGs and some shotguns.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifle:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Tempest-21 • Union 5.56 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • KS12 Urban

Reinfeld 880 • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • Grimm 12G • VD-12 • M1014 • Raven • Deimos • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Signature • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Amaroq 900 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • North Star

Piglet • Arbiter


Signature Magnifier Gadget

  • The Signature Magnifier Gadget seems to be based on the SIG Sauer Juliet 3 magnifier.
    • The magnifier will toggle on and off by itself when in use without any visual input by the player character.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_sig

Military Red Dot Sight

Lootbag Pre-order DLC
Military Red Dot (Lootbag DLC)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x2

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Military Red Dot Sight

  • Upon release, the default reticle of this sight was a chevron instead of the retail version's red dot. After the release of the Gage Mod Courier DLC, it was reverted to the regular sight's red dot.
  • It is functionally the same as the standard Military Red Dot Sight, but the sight's casing is tan instead of black with the line "A-10" scrawled on near the adjustment knob. The sticker on the lens cap's interior also says "I <3 Payday" instead of having a picture of an American flag.
  • This sight was based on the Aimpoint CompM2 optic. While it is portrayed as a high-zoom scope in-game, the CompM2 is actually a reflex sight, meaning it offers no magnification in reality.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_aimpoint_2

Holographic Sight

Base game
Holographic Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Holographic Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_eotech

The Professional's Choice Sight

Base game
The Professional's Choice
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $21,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


The Professional's Choice Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_t1micro

Surgeon Sight

Base game
Surgeon Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.25

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Surgeon Sight

  • This modification is actually a sight + mount combo, consisting of a Docter red dot optic atop a LaRue Tactical Pride-Fowler MRD base.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_docter

Acough Optic Scope

Base game
Acough Optic
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $44,000
Bonus (1), Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x3.25

More Info.

Does not actually appear properly for the Jacket's Piece
This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


*The Acough Optic Scope is based on the Trijicon ACOG.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_acog

Military Red Dot Sight

Base game
Military Red Dot
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x2

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Military Red Dot Sight

  • This sight was based on the Aimpoint CompM2 optic. While it is portrayed as a high-zoom scope in-game, the CompM2 is actually a reflex sight, meaning it offers zero magnification in reality.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_aimpoint

Milspec Scope

Base game
Milspec Scope
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x2
Special Effect(s):
Piggyback Mode

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Milspec Scope

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_specter

See More Sight

Armored Transport
See More Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $43,200
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


See More Sight

  • The See More Sight is based on the C-More Railway sight. The trademarks on the side is spoofed into "Sey-More".
  • This sight can be seen attached to the UMP45 submachineguns fielded by the GenSec Elite SWAT members.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_cmore

Combat Sight

Gage Mod Courier
Combat Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
20 Blue Eagle Blue Eagle Packages

Zoom Level: x2
Special Effect(s):
Piggyback Mode

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Combat Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_cs

Compact Holosight

Gage Mod Courier
Compact Holosight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
5 Green Mantis Green Mantis Packages

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Compact Holosight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_eotech_xps

Speculator Sight

Gage Mod Courier
Speculator Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
5 Green Mantis Green Mantis Packages

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Speculator Sight

  • This modification seems to have been based on a Sightmark Sure Shot, though altered somehow as it has a perfectly vertical lens frame while the supposed base model had a slightly-trapezoidal one.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_reflex

Trigonom Sight

Gage Mod Courier
Trigonom Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
10 Yellow Bull Yellow Bull Packages

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Trigonom Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_rx01

Solar Sight

Gage Mod Courier
Solar Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
20 Blue Eagle Blue Eagle Packages

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Solar Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_rx30

Reconnaissance Sight

Gage Spec Ops Pack
Reconnaissance Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Infinite Granted

Zoom Level: x2
Special Effect(s):

More Info.

•This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.
•This mod is not available for Rodion 3B, VD-12 Shotgun, SG Versteckt 51D, Akron HC & Aran G2 Sniper rifle.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Reconnaissance Sight

  • The Reconnaissance Sight is based on the NcSTAR Advanced Dual Optic, but instead of an integral flip-up reflex sight, the in-game model has a rangefinder.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_spot

Compact Tactical Box Sight

Christmas 2020 Update
Compact Tactical Box Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $36,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x2.5

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Compact Tactical Box Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_tf90

Compact Profile Sight

Cartel Optics Mod Pack
Compact Profile Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -4
Concealment - Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Compact Profile Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_fc1

Maelstrom Sight

Cartel Optics Mod Pack
Maelstrom Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.5

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Maelstrom Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_uh

CASSIAN Elite Scope

McShay Mod Pack
CASSIAN Elite Scope
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy -4 Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $28,800
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x4.5
Special Effect(s):
Piggyback Mode

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_hamr

Biometric Analyzer

McShay Mod Pack
Biometric Analyzer
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $28,800
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1.25
Special Effect(s):
Health Display

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_health

Advanced Combat Sight

Cartel Optics Mod Pack
Advanced Combat Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x3.25

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge


Advanced Combat Sight

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_bmg

CASSIAN Sharp Sight

McShay Mod Pack
CASSIAN Sharp Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $28,800
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x3.25
Special Effect(s):
Piggyback Mode

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_atibal

Z5 Owl Glass Universal Scope

Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3
Z5 Owl Glass Universal Scope
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -1 Threat -
Cost: $28,800
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x2.5

More Info.

•This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.
•This mod is not available for Rodion 3B, SG Versteckt 51D, Akron HC, Kahn .357 Revolver, Miyaka 10 Special & Aran G2 Sniper rifle.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Assault Rifles:
AMCAR • AK • CAR-4 • UAR • AK.762 • JP36 • M308 • AK5 • AMR-16 • Commando 553 • Eagle Heavy • Cavity 9mm • AK17 • Bootleg • Queen's Wrath • Clarion • Lion's Roar • Valkyria • Gecko 7.62 • Little Friend 7.62 • Falcon • Gewehr 3 • Golden AK.762

Sniper Rifle:
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal

Arbiter • HRL-7 • Piglet

Submachine Gun:
Mark 10 • Compact-5 • CMP • Para • Heather Submachine Gun • Krinkov • Kobus 90 • Swedish K • SpecOps • CR 805B • Cobra • Jackal • Blaster 9mm • Kross Vertex • Tatonka • Patchett L2A1 • Uzi • Chicago Typewriter • Jacket’s Piece

Bronco .44 • Deagle

Reinfeld 880 • IZHMA 12G • Locomotive 12G • Goliath 12G • M1014 • Raven • Steakout 12G • Street Sweeper • Predator 12G • The Judge

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_poe

Theia Magnified Scope

Gage Sniper Pack
Theia Magnified Scope
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $49,600
Didn’t See That Coming Did You? Didn’t See That Coming Did You?

Special Effect(s): Auto-Tagger & Range Finder

More Info.

In its original setup, this is your standard high spec telescopic sight, but it's been fitted with some auxiliary software and hardware, which adds the following functions:

  1. Range Finder
    Allows you to accurately measure distances up to 200m, displayed on the actual unit and in the reticle. Practical use for this is dubious at best considering that bullets in Payday 2 use hitscan mechanics and have no simulated gravity or windage effects. Furthermore, very few in game locations exist where targets can be engaged from even remotely close to 200 meters away. However, it can be extremely helpful in obtaining the Far, Far Away achievement, as it makes identifying enemies that are at 40m or further much easier.
  2. Auto-Tagger
    In stealth, the scope will automatically tag any enemy you sweep your sights over, and once the alarm has been sounded, it'll auto-tag specials. This acts similarly to the effects of High Value Target Aced, and having the skill will also cause the increased damage and mark duration.
Note: Due to a bug in the current version of the game, this scope is unable to mark enemies in stealth. This is not intended.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • Aran G2 • Amaroq 900 • North Star

Theia Magnified Scope

  • The Theia Magnified Scope is based on the Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 8.5-25x50mm (30mm) M1 Illum. Ret with a Barrett Optical Ranging System (a.k.a. Ballistic CPU) installed.
    • The Theia Magnified Scope's in-game optic is extremely simplified compared to the real BORS. The system, when paired with a magnification scope, would show indications of humidity, environmental temperature, barometric pressure and projectile elevation/depression for precise compensation, which the in-game scope lacks, though seeing as every sniper rifle in the game uses a hitscan system to determine shot placement, the other miscellaneous functionalities are likely not needed.
  • When aiming down the sight, there is a dim "Y" above the "M" that stands for meters. This dimmed letter would stand for Yards, a different unit of distance measurement. Since the game only uses the metric system, the reason for this being there isn't exactly clear.
  • The Theia Magnified Scope currently has the largest magnification in the game.
  • In Greek mythology, Theia was the Titan goddess of sight and shining light of the clear blue sky.
  • The method of obtaining the sight is ironic to an almost bizarre degree as it's intended for precision shots at long range and not for something that in reality would be haphazard to the point of being insane (i.e. Zip-line Rifling).

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_leupold

Box Buddy Sight

Gage Spec Ops Pack
Box Buddy Sight
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability +4
Concealment -3 Threat -
Cost: $62,000
Infinite Granted

Special Effect(s): Auto-Tagger & Range Finder

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • Aran G2 • Amaroq 900 • North Star

Box Buddy Sight

  • The Box Buddy Sight was based on the Pulsar Digisight LRF N960 N970 Night Vision Scope with proprietary rangefinder.
    • Despite being based upon a dedicated night scope with tinted lens, the Box Buddy Sight provides the same clear sight picture as any other optic in the game when aimed through during daytime or in areas with bright lighting.

Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_box

CASSIAN Iron Sights

McShay Mod Pack
CASSIAN Iron Sights
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -4
Concealment +2 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x1

More Info.

This mod is incompatible with some secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_mbus_pro

Trace Optic

McShay Weapon Pack 3
Trace Optic
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy +4 Stability -
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6
More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • Aran G2 • Amaroq 900 • North Star
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_northtac

Tuunbaq Scope

McShay Weapon Pack 4
Tuunbaq Scope
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy -4 Stability +4
Concealment -2 Threat -
Cost: $60,000
Card Drop & Side Job / Continental coins 6

Zoom Level: x4.5
Special Effect(s):
Can switch to x10 zoom.

More Info.


Compatible weapons
Edit template
Platypus 70 • Rattlesnake • R700 • Bernetti Rangehitter • Káng Arms X1 • Lebensauger .308 • Desertfox • Contractor .308 • R93 • Grom • Nagant • Thanatos .50 cal • Pronghorn • Aran G2  • Amaroq 900 • North Star
Internal name wpn_fps_upg_o_schmidt

Iron Sight

Base game
Iron Sight (Platypus 70)
Total Ammo - Magazine -
Reload - Damage -
Accuracy - Stability -4
Concealment +2 Threat -
Infinite Granted
More Info.

This mod is incompatible with all secondary sights.

Compatible weapons
Edit template
Internal name wpn_fps_snp_model70_iron_sight


  • The Don Pastrami belonged to a hitman named "The Rancher". He was caught because all of his bullets were licked by his pet goat Becky beforehand.


No Scope No Scope
Kill 10 enemies in a row by shooting them in the head with the Platypus 70 Sniper Rifle while not aiming down the sights. Unlocks the “Tane” mask, “Sancti” material and “Tribal Face” pattern.
We Do It Live! We Do It Live!
Complete all days of the Framing Frame job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Platypus 70 sniper rifles and Judge shotguns.
From December 17th, 2015, to January 14th, 2016, awarded one Christmas safe and drill.


  • The Platypus 70 is based on the Winchester Model 70, with the addition of Fabrique Nationale's Tactical Box Magazine adapter to allow use of detachable magazines.
  • The Platypus 70 is the second weapon that has a cosmetic effect if used by a certain character, (after the Shinsakuto Katana with Jiro) in this case if the Platypus is used by Bodhi when headshotting a Taser; upon a killing shot, the Taser's head will either have a huge hole in it, his face gone, or even the removal of the head.
  • The Platypus 70 is the third sniper rifle to be able to use iron sights, after the Nagant and Repeater 1874.
  • It is the first and so far only sniper rifle to be made available to all players without the need for ownership of paid DLC.
  • The first-person animation set of the Platypus has the player character resting their thumb on the cap of the bolt and very close to where their cheek would be when aiming, which could potentially result in "shooter's thumb" a.k.a. getting whacked in the face with their thumb knuckle due to the recoil.
  • The Inspire aced skill animation is different than the other weapons
  • The Platypus 70's default scope required the Gage Sniper Pack when it was implemented, despite not being a DLC item. This problem could be circumvented by equipping the weapon with a different sight. In a botched attempt to fix this the development team removed its magnification rather than the DLC lock in a subsequent patch.
    • The default scope's magnification was fixed in Update #147 (Again), and as of Update #165, the DLC requirement was dealt with

