Payday Wiki
Payday Wiki
Rebecca Stone
Career information
Role FBI Special Agent
Biographical information
Also known as Agent Rebecca Stone
Nationality USA American
Physical description
PAYDAY information
Portrayed by Unknown
Voiced by Jill Winternitz
"FBI Special Agent Rebecca Stone. From now on, I'm making the decisions."
—Rebecca Stone upon arrival

Rebecca Stone is an FBI Special Agent first mentioned in PAYDAY 2's Lost Tape #4 who went on to become a major antagonist in PAYDAY 3.


Sometime during PAYDAY 2, FBI agent Rebecca Stone came upon the Payday gang Clown Case, and soon began requesting more information on it.

After the Payday gang's re-emergence in PAYDAY 3, Rebecca Stone becomes more active in attempting to apprehend the Payday gang, even personally driving in an FBI Van equipped with a special antenna to bolster the police's effort to apprehend or eliminate the gang. When active, Stone is hellbent on taking down the Payday gang, to the point of verbally abusing units for failing to stop the heisters from escaping the scene and praising special units for successfully downing a heister.


Agent Stone is the person driving the FBI Van that can spawn on the Very Hard and Overkill difficulties. Relevant details to how the FBI Van functions is in the associated page.

Otherwise, she does not influence gameplay as she never leaves the van, nor does she drive the van out of the map once the antenna is destroyed.



  • Rebecca Stone is briefly mentioned in the final Lost Tapes, where two FBI agents discuss the Payday gang's case and mention Stone's apparent "obsession" with the Payday gang.
    • This explains why, upon the Payday gang's re-emergence in New York after their retirement ended, Rebecca Stone is always the FBI agent to arrive on scene in some PAYDAY 3 heists.
      • Given that the Lost Tapes take place before PAYDAY 3, Rebecca Stone has been on the Payday gang's case even when they were publicly believed to have been killed (as Commissioner Solomon Garrett mistakenly believed).
  • Rebecca Stone has yet to make a physical appearance.
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